I have good bra to recommend for all. Mummies.... Good back support, ? 无甲醛 (Formaldehydeless) ? 收副乳 (close supernumerary breast) ? 柔软舒适 (soft and comfortable) ? 超聚拢 (Super gather) ? 吸汗透气 (Sweat Absorbent) ? 弹性好,不变形 (Elastics & No Deformation) ? 改变胸型 (improve breast type) ? 防外圹下垂 (Anti External Expansion & Droop) ? 长时间穿固定游离脂肪 (Fixed Fats Free) ? 预防和改善乳腺癌的增生 (Prevent Proliferation of Breast Cancer)

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