I have been using a soft structured canvas baby carrier (pognae) for 1 year and my toddler is now 17 months, 10kg. I am considering a bigger ssc over a stroller. But am torn between Lenny Lamb's full wrap conversion ssc (soft and pretty) or something more canvas-y and suppprtive like Tula for toddlers. Anyone used both before & can give some advice?

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Alternatively, why not try a kinderpack koolnit? It surely fits your 17mths old as the standard size is tailored from 8mths to 3yrs old. Toddler Tula may not fit your 17mths old yet unless he/she is pretty tall, at least 84cm to be ergonomically comfy in it. This in-between size can get a Tula Coast instead if you want to aim for a Tula. The back panel is slightly wider than a standard canvas.

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