Too Emotional??
I have been ttc for 7 months and still counting, every month i'm crying and sobbing when my period came and feeling wanna to give up . Am i too emotional? Anyone want to share ur own experience?

try fertility center. I couldn't conceive after trying for 2 years, then went to a TCM fertility center. TCM Dr said my body condition is not well to conceive, then we did adjustment on food to improve body constitution.. only after 6 months later that I am able to conceive. I'm on my 30th week now and perhaps it might be due to previous treatment, my whole pregnancy went thru well, no vomiting, no symptom, no nausea and no cramping.. even my gynea is very happy with it that I don't have any issue at all..
Đọc thêmI think its normal for us as married woman. I used to cry when period come. Its ok when u cry and feel super down but u must back on track and positive ASAP. Anxiety, stress and all the negative vibe are not good for your hormon. It might disturb your ttc journey. Just think positive that your time will come soon. Your heart will feel relieve. Love and hugs 🤗
Đọc thêmPray for me too. Semoga ada rezeki kita cycle ni. Aamiin🙂
Hi mommy. Pls don't get stress. Your time will come..maybe there is something that God wants you to settle first before getting a baby. Just relax ya, stress will make it tougher. ❤️❤️❤️
thanks a lot, please pray for me 😍
Hoping for a child