After 35 weeks appt

Hi, i just had my KKH 35+1 day appt and was told baby on the bigger side 3kg. Told me to come back 2 weeks later for 37 weeks appt. May i know for 37 weeks what should i be expecting? Are they expecting my waterbag to break on its own so that i can deliver? Or are they going to determine if they should induce? When should i tell my company my ML period? I dont know which date I'm giving birth thus i can't commit any dates yet. Sorry for being this confused but I'm a FTM. Any advices is appreciated. #ftm #35weeks

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Same goes for me . my baby currently 2.7kg my next appt in another 2 weeks too .. it will determine whether i should be induce earlier because if u wait till edd ur baby will be too big for natural delivery. but that also depends if u already start dilating by that next appt. As for now i asked for 2 weeks HL . by next appt my gyne will determine again if i needed to extend HL . im due on 20 april , but im going to start ML by 15 april just to be safe .. because my workplace has this protocol if ur baby were to be born during ur HL .. the whole HL will be converted to ML .

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Hi mummy! I went for my 35weeks scan and baby was at 3kg too with a big head. On Friday I went for my 37weeks appt, doc checked my cervix and I was 1cm dilated, with a soft cervix. We discussed what my birth plan is and doc encouraged for natural birth due to my fibroid. Since cervix is soft, doc planned for me to be induced at 39 weeks, so I'll have now till then to naturally go into labour cos I don't want to be induced. They gave me HL to last me till my induction date. I'll meet her again this Thursday for my 38week appt, and she'll check how dilated I am then.

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12mo trước

thank you so much this helps alot!! any reason why you don't want to be induced? i legit feel so uncomfortable until i can't wait for the baby to be out 😭😭

hi mamas. I heard that baby's weight is not accurate especially in the late gestational period. I was too told my baby was on the big side, 3kg at 36 weeks. made me worried. i will be meeting my gynae next week at 38 weeks but I hope she doesn't say I have to be induced then because of baby's weight. I would rather wait it out then intervene. baby will eventually come out. as a FTM, I know he may be taking a while. induced labour may result in powerful surges which means a higher likelihood of epidural...

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Hi im currently going thru the same thing just that baby is in the smaller side so next week would be my last appointment and the next next week I have to come to deliver my baby by next week my doctor will discuss with me if I should be induce normal or c section it really depends but I do hope it’s normal haha

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wished that i’ve read this thread earlier.. at week 37, doctor offered to chk cervix and dilation but i refused, cus i find cervix check is quite uncomfortable and troublesome but now i’d really like to know if im dilated and how much is it since i do felt some contractions

Same as me. Dr told me to have a date in mind for induction at 37 weeks