What do gynaes check for at your first appointment after referred from polyclinic?

Can I check when polyclinic refers you for your first appt, what kind of things do they do? Do they arrange for blood test n ultrasound on same day? Cause I've just tested positive via polyclinic urine test and they refer me to hosp which is weeks away in Dec and I'm super anxious. Thinking if I should go GP for blood test to find out how many weeks in etc.

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If referred from polyclinic to hospital will be a subsidized route. They will check on the necessary for you and baby, ultrasound (heartbeat) then check on your last LMP then give you the necessary supplement like folic acid. If you go GP it will still be estimated.

1y trước

I had my first visit at KKH at week 7. Did ultrasound to see baby’s size and EDD. Didn’t do any blood test. Gynae say will probably do tests after first trimester when everything is more or less confirmed. Which I guess is my next check in 4 weeks time (baby week 11).