I am a breastfeeding mum. I like to eat spicy food. Should I eat during BF? If not, what can I eat?

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It is said that whatever mother eats goes into making the milk for the baby. So, ultimately baby is having whatever you are eating. There may be some foods that baby may be allergic to, or may not be able to digest. It is better to have spices, if at all in moderation. If the baby shows signs of flatulence, indigestion or diarrhoea, then you can make out that he may not be taking the food you are eating, nicely. But there are studies that contradict that breastfeeding mothers should not eat spicy food. http://kellymom.com/nutrition/mothers-diet/mom-foods/ http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/breastfeed-eating.html

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