My husband says I look like an 'auntie' especially after I've had 3 kids....i mean who has the time?! Is it really that important to still look good....after all, shouldn't he love me the way I am?

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Well Unless your husband looks like Hritik himself , he must not judge you. It's easy to comment especially when it's not your circus. Being a mom is tough , but having said all of the above every man no matter how bald paunchy and sloppy they look they want a Katrina Kaif lookalike as their wife who works like kanta bai. Not for them but your yourself it's nice if you take a little effort to look good. Take a walk for an hour it will help you keep in shape and give you the required space that will help you get over the daily hassles of life. Put on a nice perfume, shade of lipstick and Kajal. Wear some maskara when you step out. Take that time for your self and you will look a million bucks. Stop feeling like an Aunty and he will stop calling you one. Men often don't see beyond what meets the eyes. Gone are the days of love me the way I am. Trust me if you feel good about the way you look it will definitely reflect. Get a make over and show him how sexy an Aunty can really look. All the best.

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Sure,you are entitled to let yourself go and look like an auntie - and hes entitled to have an affair. Your choice. His choice.

you are not alone!!! my husband also say I look like an auntie. speak like an auntie and act like an auntie! :(