How to identify if the frozen breastmilk has turn bad? if there is excess lipase, the milk also has a sour smell, is that right?

You are right! Frozen milk with excess lipase would smell sour too! Like what Idza said, scald the express milk first before freezing can help. Found this blog post on how to scald the milk: Like what the ladies here have mentioned, breast milk that has turned bad will taste somewhat like cow's milk that has turned bad. Otherwise, there is a chance that your baby may still accept the slight change in taste (due to the freezing process). Apart from the change in taste, the nutritional value of the breast milk is unaffected by the excess lipase in the milk. I think the most important thing to note is to keep to the storage guideline. Avoid feeding your baby any milk that is kept beyond the recommended storage duration. And you can also read through this article that mentioned a few different types of "smell" a breast milk may have:
Read moreLike what everyone says, smelling and tasting the milk is the best way to determine if the milk has gone bad. If it smell/taste sour, it is best to throw it out. Here are some useful Do's and Don'ts when it comes to storing milk: To sum up, when storing your breast milk, use glass or hard plastic, BPA-free container or milk storage freezer bags specially designed for freezing breast milk. Label the containers with the date that the milk was expressed and place them at the back of the freezer when the temperature will be the lowest. Follow the storage guidelines and always thaw the oldest milk first. Lastly, if your baby rejects the milk (likely because it smell/taste sour), prepare another bottle for him/her. Your baby is likely the next best judge (apart from you) on whether the milk is fit for his/her consumption.
Read moreJust like spoiled cow's milk, spoiled breast milk smells sour and should be disposed of. Smell is a much better indicator compared to its appearance, as breast milk can look lumpy or clumpy -- it is normal for breast milk to separate, and the look of normal breast milk can alter depending on your baby's age and/or what you eat. If your breast milk smells sour or rancid, then there is NO way to salvage it. However, if you find that your frozen breast milk smells soapy and you know it should be good, scald your breast milk before freezing it. Breast milk high in lipase causes the fat to break down and results in a soapy smell and your baby may refuse the milk. Scalding the breast milk before freezing it deactivates the lipase.
Read moreSpoilt Breastmilk smells really rancid. It would also help to know how spoilt Breastmilk taste/smell like so that you know how to identify it in the future. Leave a tablespoon of BM on the countertop overnight and do a taste/smell test the next morning. And if you are unsure, my experience is that Bf babies are smart, they will reject spoilt milk
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