How to inculcate study habits in my 2 year old child?

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I think one should start inculcating reading habits from as early as possible. Because, once they are fond of reading books, they will grow up to be inquisitive about knowing things through reading. They will read many authors, would read about different cultures and countries and will have such vast exposure through just one simple medium, that is... a Book. There are not all kids who travel to different places around the world to get this exposure, so books are the best medium. Yes, sure that your kid is just 2 and will not be able to read now, but you can always get her books that are for her age. Pop-up books, bath books, picture books for now. Develop her interest in being happy around the books, her interest in picking up the books and going through them. If you will get her more and more books, read to her, she will develop fondness for books, which with time will result in her asking you to buy books for her. She would herself go to store and would look for the book she would like to read. And trust there is nothing can beat the feeling when your kid goes to market and requests you to buy a book that she longs to read. So, I think, you can definitely start from now, and get books for age. And read to her daily before going to bed, and whenever you have time with her, read books. When you go for picnics, take books along. You read your novel and let her go through hers. When she will see her parents surrounded by books and in love with books, she will imitate that and would become an avid reader herself.

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umm don't you think its a little too early for your child to start developing study habits? at 2 years of age, there is a lot more that you can do with your child that can help in learning, instead of just studying. start with making reading a daily habit, as well as using other learning activities such as drawing, colouring, exploring nature, singing and so on. There are a lot of different ways you can try to make sure your baby learns, instead of just studying :)

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2 yrs old, don't u feel your kid is too young? Why do u want to ruin his/her fun years? These beautiful years will never come back. Pls just let them have fun. Explore everything. Student years will be for the next 20 years. Then the grind of job and career and marriage etc. I just don't agree to this. Till your kid is at least 5, there should be no such pressure.

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