How can I teach my kids about saving money?

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Start young. Talk to them about money, about saving and help them by setting goals with them (saving up to buy something that they want). Get them a piggy bank and bring them to the bank to open a bank account. I remember when I was young, I was always very excited to be able to go to the bank to deposit my savings. Talk to them about work and earning money. My mother was very open with how "money doesn't grow on trees". She painted a realistic view of work (e.g., highlighting the times she and my father had to work overtime, or take on extra work) and that really demonstrated to me how tough it was for them to earn money. At the end of the day, parents will always be the role model. Be open to your child about household expenses and how you plan and save. Ensure that they have the correct concept, such as it is important to spend on necessary stuff (like during recess time and not starve just to save the money to buy a toy they wanted). Just sharing what I've gathered from my own experiences. :)

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