How to encourage my LO to start walking? She can walk supported but when i hold 1 side of her hand, she cant walk that well and tends to fall one side and then she will cry and be scared of walking. She is scared of the floor becos we seldom put her on the floor and crawl. Most of the time she is on soft surfaces. She always pull herself into standing position and just stand there till she fall back to sitting position. How do i encourage her to take mini steps? She is 1yo btw.

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Hmm - I feel every kid will develop at his/her own pace and there is no need to "rush". Unless you feel that it is a medical concern. My personal thoughts are - kids know how we feel. The more pressured / gan chiong we are - the more pressured / gan chiong the kid will be. So why add on all these unnecessary pressure to yourself and to your child too? Just embrace every single moment of her babyhood! Anyway - you do know walking comes with an additional set of challenges too! Walk then run and soon you have to chase after her =p

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8y trước

yeah im letting things go naturally now..meanwhile i can slim down abit after chasing her. thank u for ur advice! 😁