How can various skills be recognized and enhanced for a Toddler?

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I think the best way to recognize a child's talent is really to observe what he/she is interested in. Pay attention to what your child is keen on, such as drawing, music, sports or academics. From there, provide a stimulating environment to develop their interest, such as sending him/her for enrichment classes. Here is an article on some tips to identify your child's talent: Perfectionism: your child will work towards perfection in the area that he/she is interested in. Dedication: your child would want to spend a lot of time doing and practicing the activity that he/she is skilled in. Higher than average: your child's performance in that particular activity will be better than how the other children are performing.

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I believe the best way to understand your child is through reading up some books. Internet information might be too scattered for us to gather all information. Thus, I would like to recommend this book by Richard C. Woolfson, "Bright Toddler: Understand and Stimulate Your Child's Development". This book is very easy to use and understand. You can flip to the development age that is relevant to your child and there are suggested activities for you to do with your child to stimulate him/her.

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