Wife don't want have sex with me.
how ah my wife don't want have sex with me anymore. Ever since after her delivery, she seems not interested in sex.

Dude she is exhausted and needs a break. You want her to be a lover to you, let her take a nap, you take care of the little rugrat for while, let him or her peel your brain apart lol. But in all honesty, give her time and take care of your baby, even something as simple as carrying the baby while she takes a short nap helps. Tell her she is beautiful just the way she is, tell her she is doing a great job as a mum, tell her she is making so many sacrifices for your little family and once in a while give her a leg, feet and back massage. Ladies do not feel pretty or beautiful after delivery and when taking care of baby, we just have our hair all over the place, eyebags and no smile on our face. We always feel we not doing enough and always failing as a mum and we also ache all over. When you do these simple things it will give her so much joy. Never ask if she needs help because she will say it is okay. Just do it
Read moreOur wife laboured for 9 months of pregnancy, and after baby is born is sleep deprived from take care of Baby and household chores on daily basics. Probably just be more understanding that she is tired and just doesn't have the interest or mood. When baby grows older and requires less attentive care, rest assure the interest or mood will be back.
Read moreCuddle her, buy her flowers, don't hint about sex. Praise her for being pretty especially if she dresses up that day or simply because her hair looks better that day. It's like dating from the beginning all over again. Help with the housechores or address other concerns she may have e.g. mil issues, etc. She's probably really tired fyi.
Read moreTry to be proactive and initiative to help her like a 2 3 days.. Than initiate what u wan? At lease she has some time to rest.. Help when the baby whine or she has been trying to cox baby to sleep for more than 1 hour. It's tiring and very turn off too when baby keep crying for no reason.
When did she deliver? Is it too soon? Is she too tired? Are you helping with baby and house? There is a lot of things. Have you even tried talking to her or something?
she is probably very tired or stressed. You can try to pamper her and all, talk to her about it. Give her some rest, I'm sure she'll be ready :)
How long have it been? Maybe she needs more time. Try cuddling her or give massages. Maybe she is tired.
Your wife gave birth and all you want is sex👏🏼👏🏼
Try to spice things up and set the atmosphere right. All the best!
Maybe sleeping affected and stress from work.