Baby latch on too much

Hihi FTM here. My baby keep wanting to latch on even after feeding. I'm worried about overfeeding. Once I removed my breast, baby cry.. what should I do..?

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Hi there! It sounds like your little one is really enjoying breastfeeding and wants to stay latched on even after a full feeding. It's totally normal for babies to comfort nurse, especially when they're seeking closeness and comfort from you. It's also common for them to cry when you remove the breast, as they might not be ready to end the feeding. One thing you can try is offering a pacifier or your clean finger for your baby to suck on after they've finished feeding. This can satisfy their need to suck without them taking in more milk than they need. You can also try gently unlatching your baby when you feel they've had enough and soothing them in other ways, such as gentle rocking or skin-to-skin contact. If you're concerned about overfeeding, try to pay attention to your baby's hunger cues and feed on demand, rather than on a strict schedule. This can help ensure that they're getting enough to eat without overeating. And remember, if you have any concerns about your baby's feeding habits, it's always a good idea to reach out to a lactation consultant or your pediatrician for personalized advice. Keep up the great work, mama! It's clear that you're doing everything you can to meet your baby's needs. Hang in there, and remember that you're not alone in this journey. Good luck!

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My baby is like that too.. He overfeeds and spits out his milk a lot after that. He comfort latches and he does that so that he could fall asleep. He latched for HOURS. It went on for a month, then I stopped getting him to be latched to sleep. Instead I time his feeds (max 15mins latch), hold him upright to burp and then pat him to sleep against my body. I give him milk more times but in small quantities basically. Your baby might also be going through a growth spurt and he's cluster feeding a lot.

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