What are some herbs that are good for toddlers? my daughter has just started childcare and we are hoping to build her immunity with suitable herbs. Also, would it be okay to take them together with probiotics?

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herbs for building immunity is a really great thing. My MIL recommended me to boil milk in ginger, turmeric, echinacea, liquorice extract to boost the immunity of my kids. Its totally fine if you have this with probiotics :)

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Please check the below link for "Herbs you should be adding to your kids' food" https://sg.theasianparent.com/herbs-beneficial-to-children?utm_medium=web&utm_source=search&utm_campaign=elastic

we use really simple and generic ones like wolfberries and red dates in soup. onion is great too for its anti-viral benefits, especially when they're sick - make onion soup for meals :)

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