Constipation during 1st trimester

Hellooo everyone, just wanted to ask is it common to have constipation during 1st trimester? I find it hard to have bowel movement eventho i consume mostly vege and fruits. Please help if there’s any other tips! Thank you so much 🙏🏽#firstbaby #firstmom

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makan buah prune dan minum susu low help a lot. another solution go to pharmacy, pharmacy ada jual ubat sembelit utk wanita hamil, yg tu bole mkn sbb selamat.

1y trước

Alright nanti cuba try, thank you so much!! 💕

Same goes to me. I ask my doc and he suggested me to take lactulose and Alhamdulillah I’m not constipate anymore after taking lactulose 🥰

1y trước

Will check it out, thank you! 💕