May VaxCert ka na ba?

Have you received your Covid19 vaccine? If yes, now it's time to get your VaxCertPH. VaxCertPH may be used for international and domestic travel as it is the official digital vaccination certificate for Filipinos and non-Filipinos vaccinated in the Philippines. It complies with the WHO Digital Documentation of Covid-19 Certificates (DDCC) guidelines. Both the vaccination card in the LGU and the VaxCertPH are valid but the latter complies with the standards set by the World Health Organization and aims to be internationally recognized. Get yours now through their website ( or you can go to your LGU for assistance. Also, don't forget to join Team Bakunanay Facebook group for more information about vaccines. See you there! . . . . . #ProudToBeABakunanay #TeamBakunanay #AllAboutBakuna #HealthierPhilippines #VaccinesWorkForAll

May VaxCert ka na ba?
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