Toddler with super bad nose block
hi has any mummy gone thru very bad nose block and leading to bronchitis for one yr plus toddler.. my boi has alrdy been to hospital 3 times since start of 2019. but everytime when he is abt to recover, his cough n block nose will come back as a package... any help?

For the bronchitis episodes, did the doctor prescribe nebulizer for home use with the medications? My LO had it too at 2+ months. Thankfully it got better within a few days anf cleared up after about a week with the meds in the home nebulizer.
How about trying a humidifier? It will help loosen mucus while they sleep. Or u can run a hot shower and stay in for a few minutes so that he can breathe in the warm, moist air through his nose :)
thank u mummies... but the problem is there is no stop to the blocked nose which subsequently lead to bronchitis... jus afraid become asthma when grow up
Try using Sterimar Nasal Spray. I steam up my toilet by running hot water and bring my LO in to breathe in the steam and it works for me.
Olbas oil for kids always cleared my son’s blocked nose. I just put some on his pillow, blanket and pajama and it always worked wonders
yes... nasal spray tried... inhaler oso used...
Have you tried using nasal spray?