Colostrum Harvesting

Harvesting colostrum at 37 weeks + Hari ni genap 7 hari selepas sy mula collect colostrum. Start hari tu masa 37 weeks +. Hari ni sy 38+3 weeks. Manage to collect 30ml colostrum 😍 Very happy. Tujuan collect colostrum ni adalah in case Mommy bersalin c-sec and susu lambat “come in” atau bila Mommy nak rest lepas delivery, Daddy boleh bantu susukan baby pakai syringe. Kadang susu lambat “come in” even after delivery normal. Baby lapar and hospital akan push utk bagi formula. Kalau ada colostrum ni on standby, bolehlah avoid bagi baby formula ❤️ Happy trying & good luck Mommies 😘 #firstbaby #colostrum

Colostrum Harvesting
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