Hi can u guys tell me is this positive or negative? Confused 😭😭😭 #1stimemom #firstbaby

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klu tgk line.. yes . early pregancy sbb tu pudar.. tapi klu lama sgt belom period could be sign for chemical pregnancy. faham ni laa dilema klu check upt terlalu cepat or terlalu lewat & dapt result terlalu pudar cam ni sbb sy pernah melaluinya. The best way tgu n pantau kaler line at least dlm seminggu then jumpe laa doc yg lebih arif.. semoga ade rezeki.. kami kat sini bole doakan je.. tak boleh confirmkan your pregnancy.

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hint positive...cuma msih samar sbb hcg rndah..sbb msih awl lg. repeat test tiap pg smpai T line jelas. make sure jgn lkukan krja2 berat. fasa ini sgt prlu brhati2. krn boleh berlku chemical pregnancy. klu nk jmp doc boleh..doc akn buat beta hcg test..ujian drh. klu scan wktu ni mmg rahim xnmpk apa. boleh jg tgu dlu smpai upt jelas..seeloknya tgu lah. sbb buat beta hcg tu dlm 4-5ratus jg.

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For me, its positive.. Maybe sbb early pregnancy.. Hormon hcg masih blum banyak.. Cuba try semula next week..

Awl sgt test upt kot sis.. tp nmpk positive je ney.. bia lewt 5 ary ke.. bru test.. bru line terang..

alhamdulillah tahniah sis 🥰 doakan saya jugak ye semoga ade rezeki aminn 🤲😇

try again check next week

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try again another 1 week

try next week lgi sis..

pudar tetap positif

early pregnancy tu