Wean breastfeeding
My girl is turning 2 soon and I intend to wean her by the end of this month. She is very attached to me and she only wants to latch directly. She refused fm and bottles. Is there any ways to let her take a bottle?

Yes, my daughter also refused initially. But babies are quite adaptable, always remember that. Just keep offering bottles. Initially you can offer your breastmilk expressed in bottle to help ease the transition. Keep offering and don’t give up. Eventually she will get the message and take to it. To help quicken the process, you can try to get another caregiver to feed her the bottle if she totally rejects bottle from anybody at this point. Just try diff ppl feed her using bottle, including yourself. She will come around soon enough. Oh and use the distraction method. When she starts seeking for latch, distract her with another event of thing. That usually helped me . But disclaimer that I weaned mine off starting at 13mo so yours at 2yo will be more challenging cos older Still, jiayou. Can be done.
Read morepractise and let her get used to it. you are always available so that’s why she only wants you