Vax Cert ph

Are you fully vaccinated? Did you know that you can get your VaxCert online? What is VaxCertPH? VaxCertPH is the official digital vaccination certificate for Filipinos and non-Filipinos vaccinated in the Philippines that may be used for international and domestic travel. It complies with the WHO Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates (DDCC) guidelines. How to register: Those who are fully vaccinated can get their Digital Vaccination Certificate (DVC) through the VaxCertPh portal at: Don’t share online your personal information indicated in your VaxCert. Let’s get vaccinated and protect our family and community. For more information about vaccines and vaccination join our FB BakuNanay Group at @theasianparent_ph @viparentsph #TeamBakuNanay #ProudtobeBakuNanay #VaccinesWorkforAll #HealthierPhilippines #AllAboutBakuna

Vax Cert ph
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Super Mom

got my vax cert too