Maternity shirt
#firstbaby #1stimemom #advicepls Hello all parents, I'm a first time dad, and would like to seek more advice on pregnancy and understand more.

Hi and congratulations!! I must applaud you on taking the step to ask! You are on the right app! Not too sure what you want to know, cos the journey will be long and can be challenging but mostly life changing and beautiful. To start off, heres some tips: Get hands on from the beginning. Learn your baby's cues. Connect through touch. Talk to your baby as often as you can. Help with breastfeeding. Have a one on one time. Your baby is ready to bond with you from birth. You can bond through touch, talking, playing and getting involved in daily care. You can look after your partner and relationship by being positive, supportive and ready to negotiate. It’s important to look after yourself too. Becoming a dad will probably be one of the biggest events of your life. Making the most of any time you have off work to get to know your baby is a great way to start your life as a dad. Do let us know what you would like to know more of.
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