Bby’s Growth
Hello fellow mummies! Can i ask…i just went for my 17th week ultrasound, and bby was measured at 10cm ish but based on this app, bby at 17 weeks should be doc didnt flag this up so it doesnt mean that my bby is not growing right? 😓
Mine at 17w is 118mm. Doc said is normal and on bigger side. The app measurement is just a guideline, as long as your baby is growing every scan and your doc didn't flag out, it is ok. But if you are worried, you can try taking in more protein, milk, avocado to help boost baby growth.
I dont think it’s a cause for concern really. It’s dependant on genes too. Like for me, my husb and i are both tall. My baby is already 11cm at 12 weeks. So as long as baby keeps growing, it shld be fine!
not every pregnancy is the same...some baby are build small... especially if U and spouse are petite...don't compare to other pregnancy or app...
Check with another gynae for second opinion or call up ur gynae to clarify ?