Breast Feed

Everytime I pump out the amount of milk is 40ml but when u I breast feed then pump the amount decrease to 20ml. Does it mean after breastfeed for 30mins, LO only drink 20ml??

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Super Mom

It's not accurate, if you want to accurately measure how much baby drinks you can buy a baby weighing scale and compare his before/after weight. Or go to lactation consultant, they can help you measure! They can help with your supply concern as well.

Thành viên VIP

I stop forcusing on my pump volume already, i find that I am not that responsive to pump. But my baby latch on demand when im at home. Now at 19mo then we start to intro formula as im trying to wean her off. So dont worry about the volume

Nope.. Latching more effective in removing milk so not accurate to compare with pump volume

Thành viên VIP

It’s not accurate as such. But if you latch, the output is lesser. It should grow overtime.

6y trước

Not necessary but think it’s a trial and error. This is the agony of latching 😅

Super Mom

Nope. It's not!