Will empty milk in a breast during each pumping increase even more milk supply?
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Not necessarily. Emptying milk from the breast is to prevent engorgement. Drink more fluids and fenugreek supplements to help increase milk supply.
Influencer của TAP
Yes. So if you don't want the milk supply to increase, I suggest you pump only when engorged and let your baby latch the rest of the time.
Super Mom
Yes you are telling your boobs that they need to make more milk
Thành viên VIP
Yes! The more you remove milk, the more milk your breast will make.
Super Mom
Yes! It sends a signal to your body to produce milk faster
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Yes. So have to pump frequently. Best is 2-3hr apart
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Yes. Milk produced is usually by demand.
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Yes, your milk will re-supply
Yes! Over time
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