Milk supply fenugreek
Does eating fenugreek meds makes your armpit smells ? Cus im very insecure and lmk what other meds that i can consume to increase my milk supply. And yes i do eat lactation cookies and drinks. Also my milk is very diluted??? Help pls

I don’t know if it makes your pits smells but fenugreek may not work for everyone, it decreases supply for some. Which probably didn’t work for you since you mentioned you’re already taking lactation cookies and drinks. So you’re basically back to square one. Our bm is made up of mostly water so it’s very normal for your milk to be dilute. Don’t watch too much “ads” where they keep promoting creamy pudding milk. End of the day, thick or not, it’s still the same milk and nutrients. Just make sure to pump or nurse frequently and drink more water/soups. If your milk is too thick and clogs, take sunflower lecithin.
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