CoVID vaccination when bf

Did anyone take their CoVID vaccination while breastfeeding? My LO is 3mo now. I am offered to take my vaccination as im working as frontliner and going back to work soon. Dr said need to stop bf for 5-7 days. My sister who was still bf her 4mo, took the vaccination and pump and dump the next 2 sessions, as recommended by her friends. Baby is fine. #firstbaby

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Best is not to breast feed baby when u take covid vaccination as there might have a certain percentage of the vaccine will be on ur breast milk and covid vacc wasnt recommended for kids below 16. Better be caution with this😄 i didnt take vaccine yet as im breastfeeding my baby too.

3y trước

Thanks 😊!

said to be safe.

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3y trước

Thank you 🙏