constipation on toddlet

dear mummies,how do you help your kids to ease the constipation ?my 2yo cannot poop and so pitty for her.try give her plum and pear.what fo you usually give to your kids and works faster?thanks

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Super Mom

Drink lots of liquid and prune juice. If doesn't improve you can give Duphalac to soften the stool, guardian should have it

Thành viên VIP

Banana, apples and prunes should help. Otherwise got to drink more water and take more vegetables too. Hope this helps!

This works for me, i give her gerber oatsmeal (banana strawberry) and then rub her tummy with telon oil.

Thành viên VIP

Yoghurt, prune and pear. Mix. Confirm comeout.

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give peach, yogurt, drink more water

Do massage, more vegetables n fruits

i gave yoghurt , banana and water