Cure for pregnancy nausea, any tips?

Currently at week 7. I feel tired and feel like puking but didn’t puke. Is there any remedies out there? I tried sour plum, it’s not working :( #advicepls #pleasehelp

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I feel you, am currently 8 weeks, tried sour plum and other food but nothing works :( Recently tried using eucalyptus oil with diffuser and I think it helps a little. Also I realise nausea is worst when stomach is empty, so I’ll try to eat small portion of snacks / fruits in between meals.

Some mummies recommend taking vitamin B6 to help with the nausea. I have nausea often too, but not to the extent of vomiting so I am not very keen to take metoclopramide that my Dr gave. But she said I can try B6 too. Waiting for my meds delivery! You can consult your Dr about it!

Same thing here - nausea 24/7 without vomiting. See a doctor and they’ll prescribe some oral medicine that you can take up to 4 times a day. It’ll work wonders!

2y trước

I have same symptoms. Nausea without vomiting. I tried a lot until I found out citrus fruits helps. So I made lemon + honey water so sip throughout the day, and eat oranges when I'm really nausea, esp after drinking TCM.