40 weeks + 5

Hello, currently 5 days overdue and Ive been having quite consistent Lower abdominal cramps since 1am (every at least 15mins) Called up nuh but they say to just monitor since I mentioned pain level was about 3/4. It’s 3pm now and the contractions are still gg on for about 1min everytime, frequency between 10-15 mins and they’re abit more painful then the morning ones. However during my last checkup 3 days ago I was still 0cm dilated. Dr did do a “massage” to the cervix. Shld I be gg to the hospital soon?anyone has had similar experience? #firsttimemom #pleasehelp

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I would head off to NUH without hesitation due to the constant pain. Could be mild contractions/braxton hicks. Request to be on observation, monitor baby heartbeat, any signs of contractions, checking cervix and level of amniotic fluid. Hopefully they will listen to you.

11mo trước

do update! :)