SOS need help!!
My boots is so sore. Day 4 of giving birth. No milk out when i try pump but there is a few drop of clear liquid. Help any solution?#1stimemom #firstbaby

Kee trying mama! You’re only 4 days in! Keep pumping, keep latching! Your milk supply is still building up! Don’t give up! It’ll take time! For me during the beginning also the same. Sore nipples, very little milk. I think my first month I only pump like 200++. And by the 4th month, I’m already pumping 800. So just keep going! 👏🏼
Read moredrink more water/red date tea. oats. massage breast. try to talk to a lactation consultant. use a nipple cream. if it is engorged try to get someone to massage your breast. if its not dont worry some people take some time to produce milk. remember, you do you mama. dont stress.
you need a lactation nurse to help you unblock your ducts. it's like that you can try to do warm compress and massage make sure you get your pump suction and express mode right too. the best pump is your baby keep letting your baby nurse helps too
clear liquid aka foremilk, is important too. just keep it up, u’ll get there!
You can try add 通草 in your red date water it helps ur milk to flow better
Hello Mummies. Any good electronic breast pump to recommend?
Have to keep trying! Hang in there!