Solid Food For 7 Mth Lo

Been trying with much difficulty to get solid food going, so far baby keep gulping out the rice cereal we given to him. We start Abit when he is 6 mths old and now at 7 mths. He is still not in taking solid food like rice cereal. So on full time breastmilk. Any advice

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Super Mom

My daughter never liked the rice cereal from the beginning, so we stopped giving her that. She took well to our homemade spinach and potato puree, as well as store bought Heinz beef pasta thing. She also liked pureed fruits. Try other options?:)

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Try purée or soft porridge. You can blend the porridge. Explore diff kinds of food for baby:) Give yoghurt, cheese etc (if no allergy) If baby likes cheese, you can add cheese to porridge too. Keep on trying, don’t give up!

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Super Mom

Rice cereal we gave the LO much later .

Can try purée, fruits and veg

Super Mom

My LO started with pumpkin

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Try different recipes mom

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try puree