
Been latching my 5 days old newborn for feeding but stopped for one day due to swollen and cracked painful nipples. Any remedies? I wish to continue latching him though.. does nipple guard helps?

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Squeeze some of your breast milk to apply over it. It’s the best remedy for me. I was too “generous” with the nipple cream that it caused a counter effect.

Thành viên VIP

I experienced that and applied nipple cream to help soothe the pain. Have to air it more often too. Didn't use nipple guard.

Check if your latch is correct it should be deep latch

Thành viên VIP

You can use nipple cream or your bf to moisture your nipple

Influencer của TAP

Use nipple cream it works for me!

Use own breastmilk & nipple cream before/after feeding

Thành viên VIP

try apply nipple cream

Super Mom

Apply nipple cream just before and after feeding (no need to wash off before latching). I found that it helped greatly. Some people have experienced that baby stops latching to natural nipple after they tried nipple guard.