FTM. Induce even when the cervix is close due to the baby slightly at the heavy range??

My baby weighs 3.08KG @ 35+4. Dr said that they will send me for another scan in 2 weeks' time (37+4) to check on my baby's weight again. If it increases to a certain number, Dr would want to induce me. Does that mean, i will be induced even when my cervix is still close? Does anyone else have such experience? #HELP #FTM

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Your baby is big for 35 weeks. Did you suffer from GD? Normally it make baby bigger and not safe for them. Yes, inducing will force the cervix open and sometimes will be more painful than normal contraction.

2y trước

Ohhh! No i don't have GD. Now i can't wait for my upcoming appt on 22 Nov because i wonder what my baby's weight is by then and what is going to happen next. I'm hoping for a normal birth so i really hope i can give birth safely by then.