Milk for 1 year old

My baby just turned 1 and the polyclinic doctor mentioned I could start introducing UHT milk. For my baby doctor says I can give 500-750mls of milk/day. I thought formula milk is better since it has all the necessary vitamins for baby? Anybody still gives formula milk? And how much are you giving? I noticed the recommendation on the formula tin says 2 feeds per day. But I feel that’s too little? My baby is on the smaller side, 8kg, polyclinic nurse says it’s fine. So I thought the formula milk would be a good supplement for weight gain

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After 1, their nutrition comes from solids, milk as supplement. Unfortunately not the case for me as my daughter is not doing too good with solids. She is 28m, still on formula. 180ml/5-7 feeds daily with snacks/1-2 meals of little solids daily (I tried offering a lot of diff foods but not much luck lol) She’s also on the smaller side, currently 11kg.

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ya, I still feed formula. My baby drink 210ml 4 to 5 times a day