Breastmilk too low

Baby saya dah 3 month 6 days. After delivery ada bagi df. Than i kena admit again in hispital around 12 days. So i try pump susu and mix with formula milk. Now i try to df. Baby x nak. I punya susu pun dah kurang sgt. Its almost mcm 1 oz per day tu je. I already took few milk booster. Tapi susu x bertambah. Is it i just give up. Or can try pump and see. ##bantusharing #firstmom #breasfeeding

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what i know is u shouldn't stop pumping eventho youre just pumping air. make sure to pump every 2-3 hours to create the demand. lactation counsellors always say that milk boosters dont work but idk about that. i dont hv much milk too but i make sure i pump every 2-3 hours at work. sometimes i do power pumping. at home i direct feed my baby. sometimes i need to OT also at night if i dont get enuf milk to send to babysitter the next day. its really tiring but i wont give up just yet. i malas to try out fm since last time i gave my son fm and he had really bad stomachache so im a bit traumatized. i hope u would not give up too :) do seek help from lactation counsellors. all the best.

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tqsm sis. yes. now im doing pumping eventho somethime only few drop i get from the section. but i keep trying.. but stressfull. boleh tengok info kat sini sis. semoga membantu 🤍

tq mummy