anak susah makan

Assalamualaikum... Sy nk share psal ank sy.. Bulan dpn da msuk sthun.. Tp susa sgt nk bg mkn.. Mcm2 da buat... Dia nyusu bdn je.. Kalo bg mkn dia siap tepis... Kdang dia luah blik.. Rsau sgt.. 1 lg.. Dia berak mcm smnggu tu skli atau 2x.. Pstu wrna hijau.. Ade spe2 blh bntu sy

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Maybe play around with the texture of the food that he may be comfortable with ? Even if it’s almost purée like (but still thick) as long as he eats right? Also try Making the food look attractive (kids version of attractiveness😬). I have the same problem with my baby, consulted doctor and that was the advice I got, playing with texture even if u hv to go back to stage two texture, cause every child is different. Alhamdullilah it works for me. Hope this helps mama

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I will try my best