Hi mga hi may tatanong lang
Ask ko lanh po sa marunong mag basa nyan ... Ano po kaya result normal po ba o hindi

Based on the urinalysis results, the urine sample shows a dark yellow color with slight turbidity, which could be due to dehydration or dietary factors. The chemical tests indicate trace amounts of albumin (protein), which is often considered normal, but higher levels may require further monitoring as it could indicate kidney issues. The absence of sugar in the urine is typical, suggesting normal glucose levels. Notably, the microscopic findings reveal a high presence of pus cells (60-70 per high power field) and many bacteria, which may indicate a urinary tract infection (UTI). Additionally, there are abundant epithelial cells, which can be common in pregnant women, as it may represent normal shedding of cells from the urinary tract. The red blood cell (RBC) count is low (0-2/hpf), which is generally within the normal range but should be monitored if symptoms arise. Given these findings, consulting an OB-GYN is advised, as UTIs are common during pregnancy and should be addressed promptly to ensure the health of both mother and baby. The doctor may recommend further tests or treatment based on these results and other clinical symptoms.
Đọc thêmnot normal. kindly consult OB.