anyone tried storing breastmilk with daiso Styrofoam box with ice pack inside? will it be lasting than using cooler bag or cooler bag is better? in dilemma...

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I would suggest fridge-to-go too if you will be using it frequently. It can help keep the milk chilled for up to 12 hour. Take a look at this review for more information: But if you are only going to use it once in a while, the cooler with ice pack (which you can also get from Daiso) would work well too.

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if u r using it to tranport breastmilk only , this is ok i guess. get more ice gel pack from daiso . But if u r using it to store milk and bring it to places instead of placing into chiller within a short period of time, consider fridge to go .

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this daiso styrofoam box looks like it could keep cold for a day or so. useful for travelling

I think daiso styrofoam box is good for short-term storage or travel purpose

daiso styrofoam box is good with a cooler bag for a short while though

I bought a small freezer for my breastmilk. Best purchase ever.

I haven't tried it, but it's probably not for long-term storage

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Is the daiso styrofoam box specifically for breastmilk storage?

how long does the daiso syrofoam box stay cold?