Bila ‘B’ belly akan tukar ke ‘D’ belly

Anyone facing this? Lol. No issue just curious am i the only one pregnant with b shape belly instead of D shape belly. Ada sesiapa with experience mcm ni? Bila perut akan naik ke atas ya? Im currently at 22w. The pic is NOT mine. #22w

Bila ‘B’ belly akan tukar ke ‘D’ belly
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sya pon sama kdg2 jadi B kdg2 jadi D😅xp skrg dah 25weeks msih lagi btukar2..sllu jdi bila xmkn lagi..

4y trước

Oh atleast ada jadi D sy smpai skrg masih B

Sy dh nak bersalin esok. 37 weeks. Masih b belly begini. Maybe sbb perut mmg tebal sblum ni.

same. semua Kata perut I mcm x mengandung. now da 34 weeks. janji baby ok

3y trước

Betul tu setuju...🥰

berlipat klu perut b belly niekn,tpii tkpe,yg penting baby sht2...🥰

Biasa jd cam ni sbb yg first tu czer😂sbb perut saya pun cam ni😅

oooo bru tahu Ada mcm tu ye. Sy pregnant nk masuk 6w berat 71kg.

😂😂 kan...stress. org kata kita gendut. 😂😂 padahal pregnant

4y trước

Kan... sebenarnya malas nak claim preggy. Tp bila org dh komen kita makin bam2 terpaksa bagitau. Muka terkejut dorg so priceless

hahaha. ingat saya sorang je macam ni. 10 weeks tapi B belly

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first time nmpk😂 tk thu pula ada mcm²

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Me✌🏻 until 30w mybe baru tukar to D

4y trước

Huhu lama lagi im only 23w