Ano ang mga kadalasan laman ng bag niyo para kay baby paglalabas kayo? For example, sa mall punta.

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2-3pcs Feeding bottles na dapat may right amount of water na para madali magtimpla, formula, towel, diapers, wipes, extra clothes, bib, soap, a small toy, hat.

baby wipes, baby diapers, bibs, baby jacket, extra shirts, wash cloth, alcohol/hand sanitizer, formula milk, baby bottles for water and milk

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Pag lumabas kame usually whole day na. 😁 We have a 2yo 2-3 diapers Wipes Water Bib Her utensils Alcohol Change of clothes Umbrella Foldable fan

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Diapers, extra clothes, bibs, extra mittens and booties, extra bonnet, towel and blanket, alcohol, cotton balls, water and diaper changing pad.

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wipes, 2 extra diapers, 2 extra shirt and shorts, 1b bibs, 1 blanket, 2 bottle milk, 1 water, baby powder at minsan dala rin namin teeter nya

Diaper, extra clothes, wipes, cap, mask, water nya, alcohol and towel.. No bottles kasi til now ebf pa din si lo ko kahit 1yr.&9months na sya..hehe

6y trước

Makikisuyo sis, pls click and like the picture. Thank you very much! 😘

Diaper na pull ups wipes. Extra damit and short jacket gatas and 4 bottles of water para may extra. Tapos syempre di mawawala ang bib =)

Diaper, wipes, alcohol, extra clothes, towel or pamunas ni baby. Breastfeed si baby so hindi na po ako nagdadala ng feeding bottle 😊

Diaper, sando, feeding bottle with distilled water, wipes, powdered milk na nakalagay na sa maliliit na lalagyan, changing clothes.

Franella,extra clothes, diaper,small garbage bag,lampin,wipes,alchohol,nursing cover,hat nya,payong,minifan and powerbank.