Not offered Tdap vaccination

Hi, am 38 weeks and just found out that tdap vaccination is recommended during pregnancy, however my gynae didn’t actually mention/offer/recommend the vaccination… was wondering if this is a norm? That I’m supposed to schedule it myself? Also wondering if anyone got their vaccination after 38 weeks? #firstbaby #advicepls #questions

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You can but best to check with gynae. There might be reasons why he/she didn’t mention to you (maybe medical conditions etc). However since you’re already at week 38, suggest you to just wait for baby to come out first. If I’m not wrong? They will get the vaccination after birth in different months. (Please double confirm with healthcare centres/PD.)

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2y trước

Thanks! Think my gynae might have forgotten/doesn’t think is necessary but she gave me the go ahead to get it now… even though I think it’s abit too late 🙁