my 2yrs old girl accidentally 'crack' her back neck area while tilting her head.. and after that she mentioned it's pain for a while only. and she's fine after that. will it lead to anything serious? should i bring her to the doctor for thorough check?

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maybe can monitor her awhile. see is there any swollen. maybe u can try touch the neck see did she complain pain . . it very hard to advice. but if she mention to u pain again . maybe bring to see a doc will be better ..

Thành viên VIP

Do monitor for swollen, and complain of pains on and off non-stop, fever, vomiting etc. As i don't know how serious is the crack you mean too. If she is complaining non-stop, best to go see a doctor for advise.

8y trước

thank you so much for ur advise. will continue to monitor!

to me.. i think to play safe and bring to doctor for advise.

to be on the safe side better go see a doctor