Sleep Training

15 months old, soon need to go to nursery. I'm so worried because she still can't sleep on her own without ngempeng. Malam boleh lepas nipple, tapi kalau nap siang, sangat la susah. And risau nanti dah pergi nursery tak pandai nak tidur walaupun dah mengantuk. Dalam process wean off, i didn't offer her boobies unless dia yang mintak which jauh jugak gap masa tu. And most of the time dia akan mintak time dia nak tidur je. Now I want to prepare her for nursery. Nanti nak tidur, mommy takde nak tolong dia tidur. Ada tips tak? I tried the tip bagi kenyang dulu before putting her to sleep, problem is makan pun kena kejar 😭 can anyone give some advice and tips. Anything will do. I'll try them all.

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sama dgn sayaa. saya tumpang komen sini ye sebab nk baca tips from others as well