My 13 months lo latches to sleep every night and still wakes up every 2-3 hrs during the night to latch / comfort latch. First time, I am going away without Lo for a few days in 2 weeks time and I wonder how do mummies cope with this? When I'm away, my helper or mil should be the one taking care of him. Any experiences shared is deeply appreciated.

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Hi. My baby was like until we changed things. For a starters, I will let him latch and when he is very drowsy, I will change over to pacifier v quickly (sometimes will fail tho). How does ur child sleep in the day time? If not latching, u can try to use the method that is used in the day time to put child to sleep. Other things that worked for me are: 1) bottle feed him to sleep - he may fall asleep while drinking or when he has finished drinking, he will be somewhat full and makes it easier to rock/tap to sleep 2) babywear baby to sleep then transfer - whether in a carrier or ringsling or wrap him U may want to have about a week to try other methods of putting him to sleep - having ur mil or helper to do it during this trial week would be good too Hopefully u find something that works for u - otherwise the child might have to cry to sleep for the first few nights. On a side note, u have to be prepared that the child might not latch to sleep when u are back

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