💔 Heartbreak

Hello, my newborn just got discharge from NICU. from the day he was born, he has been fed formula milk as we are not able to see each other and i couldn’t hand expressed my milk so soon. overtime, after massaging and hand expressing , and pumping? i managed to have some milk supply. right after his discharge, i straight away allowed him to latch on to me everytime it’s his milk time, however i realised that everytime he breastfeeds, he poos and it is very watery, he also passes gas alot and seems to have an upset tummy to an extent then he fusses and couldnt sleep seems like he has diarrhea adter drinking my breast milk i feel so helpless because that’s my only milk supply for him and i feel like such a bad mom giving my son my milk only to have him follow up with an upset tummy after:(

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