My 19mo toddler is going full day childcare soon. Is there anything I should take note of? Should I accompany her whole day on her 1st day?

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Usually childcare will advice to let them stay for half a day for about a week or so till they are more comfortable with the environment, then slowly extend the time. Remember to tag all her belongings. And for milk tag and write down how many mls.

Actually it depend on u and ur child character.. For me I accompany her for 2 hours and I leave the class. I peek around the sch for a while to c how she cope. She cried a while and stop den I picked her up early after her nap around 3.30pm.

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yes certainly be with her for 3days half a day. Just to see how is their curriculum and to let ur gal get adjust to it. chat with the teachers too on her likes and dislikes.

The more You stay back it doesn't really help the caregivers etc .. Best to not stay , most kids will have separation anxiety and its normal

Yes, need to accompany her for at least 2 days especially for girls they tend to be more shy and scare for new environment