Can travel to jb at 32 weeks?

Hey mummies! Can we still travel to jb for a day trip at 32 weeks by land border? Will the ICA stops us from exiting the country cause heard before that we can't travel when we r about 7 month pregnant. If so, can we travel without asking gynea since its just a day trip?

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Journeys are the architects of memories; with each new destination, you add another layer to the grand design of your life

Collect moments, not things. Traveling is the art of collecting the most precious moments

Best to check with gynae and get the green light because he/she knows your pregnancy best. :)

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I doubt ICA will stop you, the only restrictions I’ve heard of are by the airlines

Check with your gynae first. just did that at week 35. 😉

I did that! 🤣