Postnatal rage

Hi mothers.. Is it normal that after giving birth (my baby currently is 2months old), you’ll easily get rage at certain people when it comes to handling your newborn? It seems like some people don’t respect your decision/gut feelings as a first time mothers. I realised there’s a tension issue going on with my own mother since I gave birth. Firstly, she announced my child’s birth without my permission to almost everyone including her friends when it’s not necessary. Secondly, whenever I asked for a tiny favour eg. Change the baby’s diaper, she’ll complain and as tho “lecturing” to my baby why she kept peeing or pooping. I was triggered that she said that to my baby as isn’t good that if your baby keeps pooping or peeing, means she’s healthy? Lastly, I was informed by the nurse whenever we went for my child’s checkup to have enough rest as a mother and try to get someone to look after the baby for while. So sometimes, when I told my mother if she can look after the baby eg. She’ll complained and said that she was about to rest and sighed. Mind you, she’s not a working mother.. I thought while I’m on maternity leave, I can observe if my mother can really look after my child(she was the one who volunteered to look after my baby). But now, she’s making me having doubts if she is capable to look at my baby. Does anyone experience like this too? Help:( #firstTime_momhere #postpartrumdepression #postpartumanxiety

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Hi, it’s normal. However after reading your post, I feel like you probably had more expectations since she’s your mom. But always remember, regardless who offered to, they are not obligated to, especially if they are not being paid (my own mother ask for $4K). Best is if you could get help from hubby or do it yourself (I didn’t have any help too, tough but at least I don’t have to bother about others), then send bb to IFC/hire helper when you go back to work.

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